Thursday 10 August 2017

We're just wild about Harry (Potter)

It’s been 20 years since J.K. Rowling waved her magic wand and introduced readers to her boy wizard in “Harry Potter and the philosopher’s stone” and things have never been the same. Since then, seven books have been translated into 79 languages and have sold more than 450 million copies worldwide.
When we placed posters around the school asking the question, “How well do you know Harry Potter?” our girls were instantly hooked, which is not always easy with a teenage clientele!
Happy Birthday Harry!
  On Harry’s birthday (July 31), all students were invited to participate in some “Quizardry” in the Library. The original sign-up sheet catered for teams of four, to compete in each of the Hogwarts houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin.

On the first day we were fully subscribed so we created two teams per house i.e. Hufflepuff 1and Hufflepuff 2. It still wasn’t enough to meet the demand, as some of our teachers wanted to enter a team too! 
Great to see our staff getting into the spirit of the day. Sadly they weren't the winning team!
Once the girls heard this, they became very competitive.

Our two Academic Captains volunteered to be our Quizmasters and one of our library staff created the questions, answer sheets and PPT slides. On the day, many of the girls and the teachers arrived in full regalia. Pottermania is well and truly alive at MSM!

I’d highly recommend making this an annual event in your school library as there is not a lot of effort required to create something that has such a positive effect.
Because we held the quiz during lunch we only had time to ask 12 questions. At the conclusion, all teams swapped their answer sheets while the Academic Captains called out the answers. We didn’t have a clear winning team so went into 3 tie-breaking rounds before we had to award joint winners.
One of our Senior teams congratulate their lucky mascot from Yr 7!

That winning feeling when you know the answer to the tie-break question.
As Harry celebrates his 20th anniversary, he has certainly shown that he still has the magic touch. We’re looking forward to celebrating his 21st next year.

Mrs Sandra Mannion
Curriculum Leader: Library & Information Services
Mt St Michael’s College

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