Thursday 25 February 2016

Celebrating Library Lovers' Week

Romancing our way through February

For the last few years we have extended Library Lovers' Day into a whole week which is scheduled into the College Calendar. Week 4 is the perfect time to focus on all the things we love about Libraries, as by then, the teachers and students have settled into the rhythm of a new school year. While it's not as high profile (or as much work) as Book Week, it's a great way to foreground the importance of our library to our school community especially with the Year 7s. As explained in my previous post, the range of Library Lovers' activities were promoted to the Year 7 cohort through their Library Orientation lessons.

What we offered:

A Library Lovers' Staff competition announced at morning briefing on Monday, February 15. Staff had to match the names of famous couples in literature to go into the draw for a book and some Valentine-themed chocolates. Winners were drawn at Staff briefing on Friday.
A similar competition was held for students in Years 8 -12

Year 7s were all given a heart-shaped template during their Library Orientation lessons in Week 2 or 3. They could use this as a competition entry by simply writing their name, homeroom, title of a book they love and why they love it. For those more artistically inclined, they could decorate the heart as well, and these entries were judged and then turned into a display called, "Year 7 loves books."


MSM Reads - A whole school reading event took place during extended Home Room on February 16. The students were encouraged to borrow out a romance-themed book from one of our two displays - "Save the date to read a good book" and "Romancing through February."

MSM Junior Readers Book Club was launched for the year on Friday, February 19. This is aimed at students in Years 7 - 9. The MSM Senior Readers Book Club for Yrs 10-12 will start up again in Week 5 in another part of the library. Both clubs are overseen by me and one of the English teachers who is a voracious reader of young adult fiction.

By default, we really end up with a Library Lovers' month, because we keep up the displays until early March when we start to change things over for Easter.

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