Monday 26 October 2015

Engaging with your users is the real measure of success

Connecting with our users through Spooky Stories Week

In the Library we celebrate 4 key events each year in order to connect with our students in a fun-filled, informal way. These are included in the School Calendar so they are widely publicised.
In Term 1 we have Library Lovers Week. Term 2 is Library & Information Week and Term 3 is Book Week of course! Which brings us to Term 4, where we are currently enjoying our annual "Spooky Stories" week.
Like many schools, we don't acknowledge Halloween but the themes and merchandise associated with it, provide a wonderful opportunity for promoting the supernatural and ghost books in your library collection.
We now have an active MSM Readers Club (who I'll blog about in another post) made up of students in Years 7 - 9 and they have provided many of the ideas for Spooky Stories Week. They suggested having an Addams Family theme so the library has been decorated with this in mind.
On the counter we have a number of "Treat" buckets and the students can win one of them by writing their own Spell or Magic Potion. 
In the middle of the week we'll be conducting a Maker Space activity called "Creepy Craft" where they can make their own ghoul, vampire, ghost etc. using the materials we bought from a Bargain Shop's Foam Doll Set! We'll give each girl the basic doll template and then they can cut out the foam pieces to make capes, fangs etc.
At the end of the week, we'll be playing the Addams Family movie during lunch time, which is rated PG and students can come into the library in costume if they wish.
These type of events provide opportunities for marketing and promoting the library as a place that's fun, upbeat and welcoming to all.


  1. Looks like a great week of activities!

  2. Looks like a great week of activities!
