Sunday 27 November 2016

Celebrating our Top 20 Borrowers

How do you acknowledge your top borrowers?

In the past, we have always acknowledged our top borrowers with a special morning tea during Book Week but this year decided to wait until the final week of school, in order to generate the most up to date statistics.
This meant for the first time, we didn't include Year 11 or 12 students as they were on exam block; however, looking at the data, no students from these year levels were in our Top 20 anyway.

Our top borrower for 2016 was a Year 8 student, who as of November 7, had borrowed out an amazing 98 books across a wide range of genres! By the end of the year, she had well and truly gotten past 100 loans!

The break down of the Top Borrowers by year level were:

Year 7 - 10 students
Year 8 - 2 students
Year 9 - 4 students
Year 10 - 2 students

Each student was given a personal invitation to attend a special morning tea in the Library by email, as many of these students have indicated to us previously that they do not like being named in the Student Notices as a reader!

The Principal, Deputy Principal - Curriculum, and Director of Literacy were sent their own personal invitations too.

Each top borrower received a laminated certificate which we used as a place-mat, so when they came into the library they could see where to sit. On each placement was a small packet of chips, a chocolate golden coin and a hand-crafted bookmark. The Library staff did a lovely job of decorating one of the more cosy areas of the library and putting out all the morning tea treats. The girls loved the way we waited on them, asking what they wanted to drink - Apple juice or orange juice only :)
Proud recipients of the Top 20 Borrowers' certificates.
During the break time, we shared our favourite reads of 2016 and presented our top borrower, Paris, with a special prize in recognition of her endeavours.
To finish off, we paired up the girls (as many of them didn't know each other) and had them participate in a written Literary Quiz. The winners of the quiz were each given a Xmas stocking which contained some small treats.
Enjoying a well-deserved morning tea for their reading efforts!

We've decided to tap into the talent of our Top 20 Borrowers in 2017 by asking each one in turn to recommend a book they've read in the past. That will give us 20 weeks or a whole Semester's worth of reading recommendations!

Would love to hear how you reward your best borrowers.