Tuesday 21 June 2016

Developing a strong staff reading culture in your school

We are lucky to already have a strong reading culture in our school. Many of our staff  love reading and talking about books so we always ensure that a proportion of our Library budget is set aside for purchasing adult literature.

At least once a term, we publish a newsletter called "Bookends" which highlights our recommendations to all staff. This is printed out and displayed in the Staff Room, as well as being emailed and uploaded to our blog "Between the pages"

A recent initiative has been the setting up of a Staff Book Shop at the end of Semester 1 & 2. At our school, the last week of each semester is a Student Free Week, so we have the advantage of being able to set up the book shop within the library, without having students around.
Books are arranged in categories

General interest books as well as magazines, are included in the selection.
It's important to offer an incentive for staff to make the climb up the stairs to our library, which is located on the top of a 3-story building! We always provide some sweet treats and this time the staff was spoilt with some home baking from our Library Technician. Reporting Week is always an intense time in any school, so staff were thrilled to be offered this small respite from their marking.
Books, biscuits and chocolate. What more can you want?

So much to choose from!
 All staff who borrowed went into the draw to win one of these prize packs.
90 items were lent out on the first day we opened the Staff Book Club.