Sunday 20 March 2016

Library Orientation - Part 2

 Easter Fun with Overdrive and a Scavenger Hunt

Previously, we have only offered one Library Orientation lesson to our Year 7 students in Term 1, as the lesson is not timetabled. This means the Library staff have to ask to "borrow" a lesson from another subject area which has always been English. At a recent TL Network meeting, I asked how other school libraries organised their Library Orientation lessons and was inspired by Brigidine College who run a Library Orientation program consisting of 4 lessons throughout the term.

In consultation with the Library Technician we decided to offer a second lesson to all Yr 7s at the end of this term and when we asked if we could take a Religious Education lesson, it was met with positive approval.

The focus of this second lesson was to introduce the girls to Overdrive our Digital Library and then to have them undertake a Scavenger Hunt, to see how much they remembered from their first lesson about our services, using the Library catalogue and our different collections. The timing was perfect, as it was the fortnight before Easter holidays, so we decided to issue all the groups with an "Easter Bag" in which to collect their items.

Here is a copy of what the girls had to collect and answer. Once, each team was finished they had their answers and items checked by a member of the Library Staff, and this became an "entry form" in our Easter Basket Prize draw.

Your Library @ MSM – Year 7 Orientation Challenge

Names of team members: ___________________________________________

1.     Go to the general Fiction area and place a novel by Jackie French into your carry bag.

2.     Up to how many items are you allowed to borrow over the Easter Holidays? _______________

3.     Find our Picture Book Collection. Place a picture book into your carry bag which has the letters CRE on the spine.

4.      In the box below, draw the symbol which is used to show that a novel is a romance book.

5.     Using the catalogue, do a basic search for the book, “When my name was Keoko." Who is the author? _______________________

6.     Go into the Non-Fiction section of the library. What Dewey number is written on the Black and white laminated guide card for Shakespeare? ______________Clue: Head into the 800s.

7.     While you are still in the Non-Fiction section, find the 500’s section.  What subject would I use these books for? _______________________

8.     Using the library catalogue, do a basic search to find the call number for the book “You are the earth” by David Suzuki and Kathy Vanderlinden. (Hint – It’s a three digit number and has three letters). ____________________

9.     In the magazine section, find a magazine about food or recipes and place it in your carry bag.

10.  What is the PIN number for all students if they want to log in to Overdrive? ___________

11.  Go to the Library Wiki. Click on the link to New Fiction. What is the title of the new Fiction book written by Kirsty Logan? ___________________

12.   How many eggs are on the back wall of the Easter display behind the Circulation Desk? ____ (Hint – they are big and pink)

13.  What animal is featured in the library Easter display? ____________

14.  What slogan have we used in our Easter display to promote holiday reading?


When you have finished, present this answer sheet and your items to one of the Library Staff at the desk. If they are all correct, this will become an entry form for your team into our Easter Raffle.


Now you can borrow for the holidays!
Looking for a Picture Book with "CRE" on the spine

Where can I find a Jackie French novel?

Yes! I've found one!

Looking for answers by using the Oliver Library Catalogue