Sunday 6 September 2015

Australia's Top 100 Favourite Books

Is your favourite listed?

Around 5000 people responded to Better Reading’s quest to find out Australia’s Top 100 novels, in the first survey of its kind. There are certainly some surprise inclusions and omissions. Here's a sneak peak but I won't reveal Number 1 as I certainly don't agree with this choice! Do you?
#10 Lord of the Rings
#9 The Bronze Horseman
#8 The Potato Factory
#7 Pride and Prejudice
#6 Gone Girl
#5 Cloudstreet
#4 Outlander
#3 To Kill a Mockingbird
#2 The Book Thief
#1 ??????????????


Friday 4 September 2015

Brisbane Writers Festival

I had a wonderful time at the Brisbane Writers Festival today. This year's theme is "Minds Wide Open" and the inspirational authors I listened to, including John Marsden, Holly Black & Cassandra Clare and Jane Caro certainly did just that. It was heartening to see the long queues of school students at the book signing tables and the busyness of the Bookshop. Long live the written word!

The second book in the Magisterium series - The copper gauntlet is now available.
You can follow the authors on twitter
@hollyblack and @cassieclare

Wednesday 2 September 2015

BGGS Research Learning Centre

An inspirational learning space

Yesterday  the Brisbane Sub-Committee of the Queensland School Library Association invited teacher-librarians to tour Brisbane Girls Grammar School's new Library and Learning Centre. This five-storey building, integrates flexible teaching spaces with  a contemporary library facility. Kristine Cooke, the Director of Library Services spoke to over 30 participants about the ways in which the new centre has impacted positively on teaching and learning.
The myriad spaces were truly awe-inspiring, as I'm sure you'll agree when you look at the photos below. Some of my favourite aspects were the use of floor to ceiling glass, sweeping staircases, soaring atriums, bespoke finishes, and the blend of traditional and modern pieces.  
If your school is planning to build a new library or learning centre in the future, I highly recommend you visit this wonderful facility.


Tuesday 1 September 2015

Library Competitions

Everyone loves to be a winner

When I was the teacher-librarian in a middle school setting, the students loved participating in Library competitions. Changing to a 7 - 12 environment, I wondered if this would still be the case and the answer is a resounding "Yes!" As long as the prizes are targeted to their age group and link to a specific event, the library team have found that they are keen to participate.
During Book Week the students could either take part in a Scavenger Hunt around the library related to the theme of light, in order to go into the draw for one of four prize baskets. This style of competition doesn't suit all patrons, so we also handed out raffle tickets to every student who participated in any Book Week activities.
Here are the happy winners!